Whether you’re new to A Course in Miracles or have been a devoted student for years, our free community offers a treasure trove of resources and a circle of loving friends to support your understanding and application of Course teachings in daily life.
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• FREE ACCESS to the Exploring A Course in Miracles podcast recordings (1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month).
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• CURIOUS BEGINNERS exploring what A Course in Miracles teaches.
• DEDICATED STUDENTS ready to deepen their study and practice.
• STUDY GROUP MEMBERS AND LEADERS seeking connection and inspiration.
• ANYONE seeking a safe, inclusive, and supportive Course-centered community.
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A Course in Miracles is a spiritual path in which we find our way to God by distinguishing the real from the unreal. What is real is our true nature as complete and perfect spiritual beings. What is unreal is everything else: bodies, the world of form, and our judgments. In the act of forgiveness, we let go of the unreal, looking beyond appearances to the eternal holiness in everyone. If we can master forgiveness, we can find peace for ourselves, heal our relationships, and heal our world.
Since 1993, the Circle’s purpose has been to bring to students and the world the profound and unparalleled wisdom of A Course in Miracles. We are the publisher of the Complete and Annotated Edition of the Course (what we call the "CE") and the creator of the free CE app. We host the popular podcast Exploring A Course in Miracles and we also host a thriving premium community called Course Companions. If you're interested in learning more or going deeper into your study and practice of A Course in Miracles, we would love to be part of your journey.